Academic Honesty

Honest pursuit of academic challenges and higher learning are the essence of the university experience. Compromising academic honesty negatively impacts the foundations of our academy.

The Code of Academic Conduct is designed to enhance and sustain an environment of ethical and principled intellectual pursuit, 符合大学的核心价值观. This code is based on respect for intellectual property as well as for one another.

See It.
Hear It.
Report It.

It is the responsibility of each person within the university community to take action when an issue or concern arises.

Prohibited Conduct

No student shall complete, attempt, or help another in academic dishonesty, whether intended or not.

以下是违反学术诚信的定义. 此列表并不包括可能违反此政策的所有情况. Any behavior that constitutes academic dishonesty is prohibited even if it is not specifically listed in the list of examples.

使用或试图使用未经授权的协助, materials, information, 或者在任何学术活动中火博体育网站艾滋病. Submitting substantial portions of the same academic work more than once without permission, 或使用另一个人代替参加考试或测验.

Altering a score, grade, schedule change form or academic record; forging an instructor’s or another student’s signature.

Offering a bribe or making a threat or coercion related to a grade or an academic exercise.

Falsification or invention of any information, data, research or citation in any academic exercise.

Representing as one’s own in any academic exercise the words or ideas of another, 包括但不限于, 没有适当引证的引用或释义.


这些定义是基于格林的, Nuss, Pavela, “学术诚信的问题和观点”,” published in 1986 by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Inc., 以及《学生权利法典, Responsibilities, and Conduct, 1998, 印第安纳大学董事会.


In any first offense case in which the sanction to be imposed for the alleged offense is less than suspension, 课程讲师具有原审管辖权. 教练员应决定并实施处罚. If necessary, the instructor may delegate responsibility for conducting a conference and determining and imposing the sanction, in writing, 给教授这门课的系主任.

In any case in which the sanction to be imposed for the alleged academic honesty violation is suspension, dismissal, or expulsion, 或者所谓的学术诚信违规是第二次犯罪, 教务长有原审管辖权. 处分由教务长决定并实施. The academic dean may delegate to an individual or committee the responsibility for providing notices, 安排和主持会议和/或听证会, determining whether or not a violation has occurred and recommending a course of action to the academic dean.

Student FAQs

Appeals must be submitted within seven (7) class days from the date of the outcome notification letter. 在结果通知信中可以找到在线申诉表格的链接.

上诉应当以新的证据为依据, 程序错误和/或证据解释错误. Severity of the sanction is not considered grounds for appeal unless it exceeds the maximum, 这是程序错误吗.

NGR (no grade received) is a placeholder used to signify that an academic honesty violation has been reported. NGR在学期结束时被课程的最终成绩所取代.

A student must work with their academic dean or designee to drop a course when an NGR has been assigned. 只有在下列情况下才会被允许放弃该课程 all the following apply:

  • The request to drop the course was made to the student’s college prior to the last day for any course to be dropped;
  • 学术诚信案得到解决; AND
  • 该案件的任何指定制裁都不包括F/WF.


Kim Caris,学术诚信协调员助理

Instructor FAQs

Faculty members are encouraged to include in the introduction of a course and the course syllabus:

  • A statement of the application of the Academic Honesty Policy within a particular course provided that it is consistent with the policy.
  • 所有不诚实行为都将得到处理的声明.
  • The definition of plagiarism and proper citation consistent with the accepted style (e.g., APA, MLA).

Initiate discussions that emphasize ethical and principled intellectual pursuit, 符合大学的核心价值观, 谴责不诚实的学术行为.


如果使用Respondus锁定浏览器或其他类似软件, 教师应特别注意以下事项: 

  • 在完成作业之前/期间/之后是否需要进行环境扫描? 
  • 可接受的环境扫描包括/涉及什么? 
  • 如果没有完成可接受的环境扫描会发生什么? 
  • 学生在作业中可以使用任何资源吗?
  • For example, can students use scratch paper to formulate their answers for the assignment?
  • 学生可以参考其他材料吗.g.(网站或打印信息),同时完成作业? 
  • 违反规定的学生会受到什么样的处罚?  

Since online assessments afford less oversight by instructors than face-to-face assessments, 它们可能会导致学术不诚实行为的增加. Technology (e.g.(锁定)不能完全减少作弊.

以减少学术不诚实的发生, 教师应该考虑使用难以作弊的评估方法. Some strategies include: 

  • Setting a time limit that is just long enough for students to complete a quiz but not long enough for them to search out answers using external sources. 
  • Creating questions that require higher order thinking such that students cannot simply find the answers by doing a web search. 
  • Using Canvas features such as question banks and randomized question order to automatically build unique versions of a quiz for each student.

Cases of academic dishonesty shall be reported by completing and submitting the Academic Honesty Violation Report form found online at BGSU See It. Hear It. Report It.

Make a good faith effort to meet and confer with the student within five (5) class days and prior to making a decision in the case.

During the meeting, discuss with the student the nature of the charge(s) and the evidence in the case as well as provide the student the opportunity to examine/challenge the evidence and explain what occurred.

Give the student two (2) class days after the meeting to provide any additional information.

Within five (5) class days after the meeting (or after having made a good faith effort to meet with the student), 对此案作出裁决.

  • If the instructor determines that no violation of the Academic Honesty Policy has occurred, 不会对该学生采取任何行动. 教师应将此结果通知学生.
  • If the instructor determines that a violation of the Academic Honesty Policy has occurred, the instructor is required to complete/submit the Academic Honesty Violation Report form found online at BGSU See It. Hear It. Report It.


Kim Caris,学术诚信协调员助理
