Alcohol and Substance Misuse and Abuse

BGSU has a long-standing commitment to addressing the impacts of alcohol and drugs on its student body.  The potential impacts of alcohol and drug use can be catastrophic to the life of college student’s health, relationships, academic performance, and future goals. While data demonstrates that most BGSU students make responsible choices related to alcohol and drugs, there are many that do not. Contributing factors to these negative choices include stress, a belief that all students are engaging in those behaviors, and lack of accurate information about alcohol and drugs and the consequences of their use.  

BGSU engages in multiple strategies in the prevention of alcohol and drug abuse.  These strategies include social norming campaigns, educational and awareness programs, enforcement programs, and alternative programming.

How can you help others?

Become a Peer Educator

Becoming a peer educator is a great way to get involved on campus, strengthen public speaking skills with presentations, and make new friends. It gives students the opportunity to learn from other students as well. A class is offered to those interested in peer education.  

The peer education program strives to promote all aspects of wellness by raising awareness and knowledge about healthier living through outreach and role modeling. The primary goal is to develop fun, interactive and educational programs that reach the entire BGSU community.

Peer educators present on various wellness topics, including nutrition, body image, alcohol and other drugs and sexual health. Become a member and find out what peer education is about!

Contact Faith DeNardo at for more information.

Get Involved

Request a health and wellness presentations and interactive session. They are available on a variety of topics, including: nutrition, alcohol, sexual health, sexual assault prevention, body image, stress, and fitness. Presentations can be customized to fit your needs, and most include interactive components to get your audience involved! These exciting, hour-long programs are presented by health professionals and peer educators.

Please be aware that a minimum of 2 weeks notice is required to schedule a presentation.

Alcohol Presentation Options:
What's Your Flavor?
This program will explore the different drinks and their effects on the body. Provides interactive activities that explore media and peer influences on alcohol consumption.

Fatal Vision
This presentation focuses on responsible decision-making and legal consequences of alcohol, combining the components of the General Alcohol Presentation and "beer goggles" to demonstrate visual impairment from alcohol consumption.

Updated: 02/02/2022 01:51PM