

这些猎鹰的火博体育说明了他们如何利用他们在BGSU的教育来培养批判性思维, build the confidence to navigate unique career paths and create public good.

  • Lindsey 墨菲’22 22岁的林赛·墨菲(Lindsey 墨菲)是入选俄亥俄老龄化学者的仅有的两名本科生之一, 这让她在芬德利的Birchaven村实习期间开发了一个项目,鼓励居民建立关系,发展彼此之间的联系. 墨菲, a gerontology major and Navy Reserve hospital corpsman, 说, “我想帮助那些没有家庭支持的老年人.”
  • Dr. Sara Houlihan, 09年 Dr. Sara Houlihan, 09年 earned a bachelor’s in applied health science at BGSU, and now is a physical therapist at the University of Michigan. She chose BGSU in part because of the scholarships she was offered, but also because of the friendly interactions she had with faculty and staff. 她知道,在BGSU,她不会“只是一个数字——我要成为一个人们认识的人。.”
  • Dr. 阿什利·贝克04、07年的学生 Dr. Ashley Baker ' 04, 2007年在BGSU获得体育管理学位,现在是密歇根州立大学体育部的首席多元化官. But the end of her first semester at BGSU, she packed up her dorm room, intending to leave the university. She returned the following semester, 正是与她的学术顾问的一次对话,以及对BGSU火博体育网站的介绍,帮助她找到了联系和目标. Baker credits the relationships she developed at BGSU with her successful career. “BGSU改变了我的人生轨迹,它真的是我的核心,”她说.
  • Dr. Carnel Smith, 01年,06年 Dr. Carnel Smith ' 01, 2006年在BGSU获得教育学硕士和博士学位,自2016年起担任托莱多斯科特高中校长. He has applied his research to his job by creating a mentorship program for seniors, which impacted a significant increase in the graduation rate, from 48% to 77% in one year. “BGSU gave me an opportunity, 正因为如此, I’m able to do what I can do today and have an impact on students and my community,他说.
  • BGSU波段收集 As the 100th anniversary of BGSU Bands approaches in 2023-2024, Dr. 汤普森, professor of conducting and ensembles, 正在与BGSU档案收藏中心、音乐图书馆和比尔舒克声音档案馆合作建立BGSU乐队收藏. This archival collection will preserve band uniforms, 花名册, 分数, 电影, 照片和其他材料,记录了过去一个世纪BGSU乐队的完整历史.
  • 音乐Plus计划 Music Plus是BGSU音乐艺术学院和托莱多公立学校(TPS)之间的长期合作伙伴关系。. 10周, on Wednesday evenings in the fall and spring semesters, 大约30名TPS学生前往鲍灵格林校区免费补充音乐教学. 晚上由BGSU的本科生和火博体育网站生讲授私人课程, ensembles led by a graduate student or a faculty member, and other musical activities.
  • 米娅·皮尔逊,22岁 米亚·皮尔森(Miah Pearson)先后在另外三所大学就读,后来在BGSU fireands找到了自己的教育归宿. 皮尔森决心完成她的学位,因为她想让儿子知道,实现一个人的目标是可能的, 不论年龄大小. 她的家人的支持和BGSU基金会奖学金使她的教育追求成为可能. Pearson recently graduated with a Bachelor of Technical and Applied Studies.
  • 16岁的拉·肖娜·斯特格尔 拉-肖娜·斯特格尔称她在火场的经历是“我一生中最具影响力的经历之一”.” After time away from college, she re-started her education at Firelands and graduated from BGSU in 2016. She’s now pursuing medical school, and credits Firelands with fostering her love of learning and strong work ethic. Stegall 说, “My experience at Firelands is still helping me today.”
  • 莫妮卡·考克斯22岁 今年8月,莫妮卡·考克斯毕业于BGSU消防学院,获得社会工作学士学位. 退役前,她在空军服役了8年,并获得了军事福利,以资助她的教育. 当她的丈夫和母亲于2021年去世时,她在费兰兹找到的社区和支持帮助了她. Cox plans to pursue a career in hospice.
  • 梅勒妮·布拉科,15岁 Melanie Bracco studied telecommunications at Bowling Green State University, but today she is an animal welfare specialist at Coral World Ocean Park in St. 托马斯,你.S. 属维尔京群岛. 公众演讲, 她在BGSU学到的解决问题和社区服务技能帮助她导航了她的职业道路.
  • 13岁的达菲·马多克斯 杜菲·马多克斯主修戏剧,以转校生的身份来到州立鲍灵格林大学. “The Wolfe Center is what drove me to BGSU,” she 说. 而在这里, 她找到了一个由终身朋友组成的社区,并找到了一种工作方法,这在她的整个职业生涯中都很有用.
  • 唐·昂斯沃斯,60岁 唐·昂斯沃斯(Don Unsworth)是1960年毕业于波士顿州立大学(BGSU)的毕业生,他的职业生涯包括在福特汽车公司和克莱斯勒公司从事工业制造,后来在亨利·福特社区学院(Henry Ford Community College)担任讲师.
  • 斯瓦特Arora 斯瓦特Arora is a graduate student in BGSU's logistics systems engineering program. 她想成为供应链方面的专家,她称之为“工业的支柱”.” She chose BGSU because the program combined engineering and management, and because the scholarship opportunities helped her education to be accessible.
  • 梅根·米勒 梅根·米勒 is 一位高级 architecture major, and her path to graduation has taken its own twists and turns. She started at BGSU six years ago but dropped out – she 说 she “just wasn’t ready.” Before coming back to school, Miller thought hard about what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. 她受到启发,继续从事建筑行业,因为“你可以做出真正的社会变革”.”
  • 优雅的链接 格蕾丝·林克(优雅的链接)选择波士顿州立大学攻读建筑学硕士学位,因为她知道自己想亲自上课,需要一个负担得起的课程. 她在普渡大学完成了本科教育,在决定攻读火博体育网站生学位之前,她在建筑管理领域工作了四年. She received a scholarship for her last two years of study, 她说, “opened up a lot of doors and provided a lot more flexibility for my family.”
  • 迈克尔·蒂姆布鲁克,91年 Mike Timbrook是达美航空公司的副驾驶,1991年毕业于BGSU航空火博体育网站项目. 他曾在俄亥俄州空军国民警卫队服役,并在退役后加入达美航空公司之前为军队驾驶了20多年的战斗机.
  • 纳撒尼尔典当 纳撒尼尔典当, 一位高级, 她选择了建筑管理专业,因为“我喜欢用自己的双手工作,喜欢在外面工作.” He is now the president of the Student Construction Management Association (SCMA), 一个帮助学生与承包商建立联系以获得合作机会的组织, and also organizes a job fair and study groups. Through SCMA, Hock says students learn how to expand their network.
  • Gabriella DeRaedt ' 22 Gabriella DeRaedt works for the New York City Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, the largest public DNA crime laboratory in the world. 她认为火博体育网站和俄亥俄州刑事调查局之间的合作关系为她在攻读法医学专业时获得这个竞争激烈的机会做好了准备.
  • Clara Barned (December ’22 candidate) and Seneca Doty ’21 Clara Barned and Seneca Doty’s publication started as a class project in Dr. Carles Ferrando Valero’s 19th Century Spanish Literature class. With his encouragement and support, 他们申请并获得了本科生火博体育网站中心(CURS)的资助, 编辑他们的文章, and published their project, titled "Africa and Spain: Poetic Songs with the Motif of the Moroccan War," in the Open Anthology of Spanish Literature.

Updated: 01/18/2023 11:49AM