

The M.F.A. BGSU的数字艺术学位是一门密集的课程, 60-credit studio degree designed to prepare students to become both professional artists in industry and university-level instructors while developing their own studio practice.

The Digital Arts Division offers advanced study and the development of professional artistic expression in many areas including: Digital Imaging, 交互式多媒体开发, Digital Video, 3D建模与动画, 以及包括3D打印在内的混合媒体形式, 建筑投影映射, Web应用程序开发和交互式安装艺术. We have an intimate graduate program which allows for customized coursework and is complimented by a large undergraduate program. 所有支持的火博体育网站生都提供工作室和电脑.

有几个全额和部分学费的火博体育网站生助学金. 助教奖学金包括教学课程(第二年), 技术和设备支持, 并有机会在我们的专业领域工作 大幅面印刷工作室.

Our laboratories are housed in the newly built Wolfe Center for the Arts and includes three state-of-the-art digital studio classrooms: a 20-seat Mac Pro OSX lab, 一个有20个座位的惠普(Windows 7)实验室, 以及一个拥有20台Mac Pro视频编辑工作站的编辑实验室. 艺术学院举办 Media Center, which has high-dynamic range wide format printers capable of printing on a wide variety of media, 高分辨率扫描仪, and 3D printing, 除了我们为学生结账的高端数字a/v设备库存.


Computer Animation & Video

The focus of the curriculum is artistic expression using traditional and 3D animation (with a strong emphasis on 3D animation), video art, motion graphics, 特效和合成. 作为一名火博体育网站生, 重点是内容开发, 叙事和非叙事结构, timing, effective motion, storytelling, 创造性表达. 除了掌握动画的技术方面, graduate students are expected to push the creative envelope and produce thought-provoking work that can be shown in animation festivals, art exhibitions, 以及公开放映. 目前的课程包括反运动学的技术指导, 粒子系统和动力学, deformations, scripting, 和合成以及高级建模, 渲染和动画技术使用最先进的软件.


The emphasis in interactive multimedia is on creative art development including: Net Art using HTML,CSS, Javascript, and Processing, 为移动设备制作网站和应用程序, 以及装置艺术和互动实体艺术品. 不管他们关注的领域是什么, graduate students are encouraged to create thought-provoking experiences for the viewer/participant. 学生能够融合他们在成像方面的兴趣, animation, sound, video, 通过交互式多媒体进行交互性和计算机编程. Graduate students are expected to work on idea development as well as mastering the technical skills necessary to develop meaningful artwork. 使用最先进的软件和硬件提供技术指导.


Graduate students focusing on digital imaging are encouraged to explore their artistic vision and realize their ideas through the print. 2D成像学生探索数字绘画, 数码摄影, image manipulation, compositing, and montage. 3D Imaging students have access to our MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer and Pepakura software to realize 3D prints. 印刷技术受到了强烈的关注, including large format and experimental alternative printing techniques for both 2D imaging and 3D modeled and rendered images. 这个领域的学生使用各种输入设备,包括数码单反, video cameras, scanners, 和数码平板电脑来创作他们的艺术. 影像专业的学生被鼓励去发现和整合关于这些工具的新想法, formal composition, content, readings, 和概念,并将它们融入到他们的艺术中. 火博体育网站生在二维成像使用最先进的成像软件和硬件.


虽然数字艺术硕士课程有三个重点领域, graduate students also have the opportunity to merge art disciplines and investigate new directions. 我们也鼓励学生探索数字艺术以外的媒体兴趣. For instance, 学生可能想要探索绘画的整合, 计算机编程, sculpture, theater, 或者用他们的数字艺术作品拍摄电影.


Students must complete at least 21 of their minimum 60 semester credit hours of coursework within their specialization with 12 hours of studio electives also required. In addition, students must complete nine credit hours in graduate-student-only courses known as Studio Critiques. These courses foster intensive group dialogue about individual students' work and also serve as a forum for the discussion of relevant contemporary art issues. 学生还需要参加六个小时的艺术史研讨会, 三个小时的火博体育网站生学术选修课, 有效教学(教育学)课程(3小时), 三个小时的展览火博体育网站, 火博体育网站生阶段还要再上三个小时的普通选修课. 

The student Computer Art Club is open to all undergraduate and graduate students in the School of Art. 俱乐部的总体目标是提高对数字艺术的认识, 突出该领域的进步和机遇, 并协助数字艺术专业的学生. 社团活动包括示范, art shows, 参加会议之旅(SIGGRAPH), and social events. 过去的活动包括来自计算机图形行业的演讲嘉宾, 校园内外的数字艺术展览, 以及各种实地考察,包括渥太华动画节. Digital Arts Club members share information and knowledge with each other in a cross-collaborative environment. 他们也是ACM SIGGRAPH学生分会.

In addition, 所有火博体育网站生都被邀请参加GASO, 火博体育网站生艺术学生组织.

Dena Eber

Dena Eber

  • Position: 艺术学院数字艺术教授,副院长(休假,ay21 -22)
  • Phone: 419-372-8526
  • Email: deber@newtownnewcomers.com
  • Address: 123 FAC



Klee Miller


Bonnie Mitchell


Bart Woodstrup




Yamin Xu

Students who graduate with a Master of Fine Arts degree are qualified to teach at institutions of higher education such as universities and community colleges and also work in production studios in the field. Major hollywood studios and other digital art and animation companies often select students with MFA degrees over those that have undergraduate degrees. MFA课程还为学生准备在画廊和博物馆展出他们的作品.

Many of the Digital Arts graduates have taken leading roles in the digital arts and animation fields. 毕业生继续创业, 在电影里工作, video, 并在广播电视业担任电脑动画师, 数码艺术家和特效艺术家, 作为工业设计企业的3d建模师, 作为互动游戏公司的动画师和数字艺术家, 在可视化培训中, 医疗和工业公司, 作为万维网的开发者.

    MFA: Digital Arts

  • ARTC 5030
    数码艺术发展 - Fall, Spring. Focus on developing skills necessary to produce advanced work in the field of digital animation, digital imaging, or interactive art. Course work includes art production as well as technical exercises to enhance understanding of techniques. 可以重复到12小时吗. 前提条件:教师同意. Extra fee. 3至6学时.
  • ARTC 5130
    数字动画工作室 - Fall, Spring. 3D和/或2D数字动画的概念和技术. Course may include narrative or non-narrative approaches to creative animation development. 重点是动画的原理, 动画的历史, story development, 通过动画进行预可视化. 可以重复到21小时吗. 前提条件:教师同意. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 5230
    数码影像工作室 - Fall, Spring. 先进的艺术发展使用成像技术,如数字油漆, image manipulation, and digital video. 艺术图像的输出与表现探究, installation, or time-based work. 可以重复到21小时吗. Five studio hours. 前提条件:教师同意. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 5240
    另类数码印刷 - Investigation of a variety of non-standard ways to realize artworks that start with digital images. 这包括各种手工印刷基材, 印刷和转印方式, 预印的改变, 打印后添加. 前提条件:ARTC 3210或教师同意. 可以重复到6小时吗. 3到3个学时.
  • ARTC 5250
    数码艺术摄影 - On Demand. Investigation of artistic expression using digital photographic tools, peripherals, and output. 美术印刷方法的火博体育网站, 专业级数码相机, digital imaging, 摄影实践和与当代实践相关的摄影史. Five studio hours. 前提条件:教师同意. Extra Fee. 3至12学时.
  • ARTC 5330
    互动艺术工作室 - Fall, Spring. 创意制作数码互动多媒体艺术. Exploration of emerging technologies as well as an in-depth study of programming and design of artistic interactive experiences. 可以重复到21小时吗. 前提条件:教师同意. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 5410
    协同多媒体开发 - Spring. Focus on teamwork and creative application of multimedia and digital animation techniques to solve real-world problems. Five studio hours. 前提条件:教师同意. 可以重复到21小时吗. 3至12学时.
  • ARTC 5430
    艺术动画效果 - On Demand. Creative development of animation and special effects using non-geometric modeling such as 粒子系统和动力学. Focus on artistic, technical and conceptual aspects of advanced animation techniques and compositing. Five studio hours. 前提条件:教师同意. 可以重复到21小时吗. 3至12学时.
  • ARTC 5440
    Digital Video Art - On Demand. 使用数字视频和效果进行基于时间的艺术创作. 强调先进的视频概念,技术,合成. 制作单通道和多通道录像和录像艺术装置. Five studio hours. 前提条件:教师同意. 3至12学时.
  • ARTC 5820
    数字艺术专题 - On demand. 各种主题的选择,以满足数字艺术课程的需要. Topics will address issues related to studio techniques or historical and contemporary theory. 每次发行的先决条件都将公布. 可以重复到12小时吗. Extra fee. 3至6学时.
  • ARTC 5860
    数码艺术工作坊 - Intensive in-depth study of a particular or unique topic not covered in the normal curriculum. Topics vary. 可以重复到12小时吗. Extra fee. 3至6学时.
  • ARTC 6130
    数字动画高级火博体育网站 - Fall, Spring. 先进的3D电脑动画的概念和技术. 课程可能包括3D建模, 角色动画设置, inverse kinematics, handdrawn动画, 以及动画和火博体育发展的原则. 可以重复到21小时吗. 前提条件:ARTC 5130. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 6230
    数字影像艺术高级火博体育网站“, - Fall, Spring. 先进的艺术发展使用成像技术,如数字油漆, image manipulation, and digital video. 艺术图像的输出与表现探究, installation, or time-based work. 可以重复到21小时吗. 前提条件:ARTC 5230. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 6330
    互动艺术高级火博体育网站 - Fall, Spring. 创意制作先进的数字互动多媒体艺术. Exploration of emerging technologies as well as an in-depth study of programming and the design of artistic interactive experiences. 可以重复到21小时吗. 前提条件:ARTC 5330. Extra fee. 3至9学时.
  • ARTC 6860
    数字艺术独立火博体育网站 - Fall, Spring. Supervised individual problems in selected digital art studio research for students that have shown technical and artistic proficiency. The ability to work independently to develop work that falls outside of the scope of classes offered. 可以重复到18个小时吗. 前提条件:教师同意. 1至9学时.
